Réseaux services aériens @ Riberole

A network of drone professionals

Parts/equipment manufacturers – Systems manufacturers – Users

Some sites of aeronautics excellence in Région SUD:

  • PEGASE technocluster – Avignon Provence Airport
  • le CIFED, UAV Crew Training and Initiation Centre  – Ecole de l’air de Salon de Provence
  • The Mediterranean Sea cluster – Toulon
  • Flying arena – Aix-Marseille Université
  • Club Sud Drone – Région Sud
  • DGA Flight Tests – Istres

Complementary expertise at the heart of the network

The capacity to capture the new air services markets

Five outstanding sites offer a setting designed to help your project succeed:
• A network of experts in market access, technologies, legislation, and services
• Premises and sites featuring runways and test areas (air, land, water)
• Support with all aspects of your growth drivers (innovation, financing, development, industrialisation, etc.)

The development of civil drones is giving rise to new markets:
• Security and safety
• Satellite farming
• Environmental uses
• Information, media and filmmaking
• Public works, mining and archaeology
• Monitoring and inspection of engineering structures, industrial sites and buildings
• Monitoring and inspection of transport and energy networks
• Communication systems

Avions @ Hocquel
Avignon airport @ Hocquel